
Crazy Weekend

Just got back from a long weekend with a friend of Dactyl & mine in South Dakota, plus 2 other friends. We all know each other from playing World of Warcraft--geektacular, I know. The friend we visited and his father are 'slumlords' in a small college town. His father has a very large house which we all got to stay in... there's an indoor pool heated geothermically, among other things.

I only swam in said pool one time. Most of the time was spent in his home theatre, drinking and watching movies. Not surprising, considering the 'we were in South Dakota' bit. Dactyl was thrilled, as he got to eat red meat every day for nearly a week. I had all carbs and didn't drink anything which wasn't coke or liquor.

We also stopped at an upper Midwest convenience store chain called Kum & Go. I now have a metal water bottle emblazoned with their logo.

When we came back I had a hellacious head cold, which made flying a ton of fun. Now, we're trying to re-establish our equilibrium. What is this 'whole wheat' thing, anyway? Will this 'juice' stop my rapidly developing scurvy?

Oddly, when we came home, our grocery store was closed. Like, the sign was ripped down closed. huh.

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